Some Apple TV users are experiencing issues in the initial set up for their device and cannot get past the date and time set up screen. Users experiencing this issue are stuck on the setting date and time screen and do not have access to the Apple TV’s content. The problem can be resolved in several ways. Please leave a comment on which method worked for you.
Apple TV – Stuck on Setting Date and Time Fix #1
1. Disconnect the router from the power source
2. Disconnect the Apple TV from the power source
3. Wait 15 seconds and reconnect the router and then the Apple TV
Apple TV – Stuck on Setting Date and Time Fix #2
The issue can be caused by your router’s firewall blocking the correct port
1. Log into your router and lower your security settings
You can reset the security settings back to the default settings after you bypass the date and time screen on your Apple TV
Apple TV – Stuck on Setting Date and Time Fix #3
1. Connect the Apple TV to a different wireless network – most users experience success connecting to their mobile device’s hotspot network
How-to Turn On Hotspot on the iPhone
- General>Cellular>Turn on ‘Cellular Data’
- Settings>Turn on ‘Personal Hotspot’
- Assign a password for the network
2. On the Apple TV, press the ‘Menu’ button until you are able to access the Settings screen
3. Go to Settings>General>Network>Wifi and connect to your mobile hotspot network
4. Return to the main menu and you should now have access to all of your Apple TV’s content
5. Go back to Settings>General>Network>Wifi and connect to your home network